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Bible Study, Worship, and Music

In a rapidly changing world, Durham Baptist Church understands the need for a place where truth is absolute and unwavering to the ebbs and flows of culture. We view the Word of God as the solid rock on which we may stand with surety and confidence in an age of confusion and chaos. We believe that the two most important characteristics of a church is its integrity to the truth and its ability to live and proclaim that truth with grace.

Our worship is based on the obedience we demonstrate after receiving God's Word and applying it to our hearts and lives. It is to be seen in the way we live it out the rest of the week. Sunday is the knot that ties our weeks of worship together. It is the grand finale of a week full of worship and its the prelude of the week of worship to come.

Our Music is determined by its maturity and message as it pertains to the unchanging Word of God. We love a blend of the old hymns of the faith as well as the new hymns being written with the purpose of teaching and admonishing one another to help the mind of Christ to dwell richly in those who claim His Kingdom.

Got Questions?

If you have more questions about the above ministries, please send an email to one of the following:

Pastor Kevin's Email
Durham Baptist's Email
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